Collin County
is Growing

Let's work together to plan for the future

Collin County, Tx - Future Mobility Study Area Map - 2024

Study overview

Join Collin County in developing a plan to keep communities connected and prepared to accommodate future growth.

Collin County is experiencing rapid growth and the Future Mobility Study is an opportunity for the public and stakeholders to provide input on current and future transportation needs. The study includes east and southeast Collin County as well as Dallas, Rockwall and Hunt counties to help ensure a regional approach to transportation planning.

Study Purpose

CCFM growth icon.

The county must plan now for growth it expects in 30 years and beyond.

Developing a cohesive roadway network and planning for future roadway corridors can require years of advance planning and development.

CCFM developments icon.

New developments make it hard to identify land needed for future improvements.

Collin County has become an attractive destination for new commercial and residential developments.

CCFM planning icon.

Early planning and public involvement are important.

Planning and input are key to maximizing mobility benefits, identifying transportation options, evaluating and mitigating possible impacts, and preserving land needed for potential improvements.

Study Timeline

What We've Done

Phase 1 of the Future Mobility Study launched in August 2020 and concluded in October 2021 with the publication of the Phase 1 Report.

Phase 2 began in November 2021 and is expected to be completed in mid-2024. Click through the timeline below to learn more about the study process and milestones.

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Phase 1

August 2020

Kicked off Phase 1 analysis of the study area, which focused on:

  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Population and Employment Growth Studies
  • Traffic and Safety Analysis and Origin-Destination Studies
  • Environmental Study
Phase 1

October 2020

Collin County began meeting with city and county representatives to gather additional information such as transportation planning efforts and current and future commercial and residential developments.

Phase 1

February 2021

Collin County held two Technical Work Sessions with county and city representatives to present study data and gather initial input.

Phase 1

May 2021

Public Meeting: Information shared at the Technical Work Sessions was presented for public review and comment during virtual and in-person public meetings.

Phase 1

October 2021

Phase 1 Report is released. 
View the Phase 1 Report by clicking the button below.

Phase 2

November 2021

Using data and feedback collected during the first phase of the study, the second phase study and data analysis focused on identifying specific transportation improvements and performing route studies to support future project implementation decisions. This included:

  • Continued data collection and analysis of growth and development trends.
  • Evaluation of existing arterials and infrastructure.
  • Additional Traffic Analysis studies to better understand how roadways may be overloaded now and in the future.
  • Route studies to identify where new roadways will be needed.
  • Environmental studies to further identify sensitive areas and constraints.
  • Consideration for all modes of transportation.
Phase 2

Spring 2022 - Summer 2022

Continued Stakeholder Outreach

  • April 2022: Collin County held a virtual Phase 2 Kick-off meeting with study area stakeholders to provide a study update to city, county, and organizational partners, and continue the data collection process.
  • Summer 2022: Collin County held technical work sessions throughout the summer with city and county representatives to gather input on study data and recommendations.
Phase 2

Summer 2022 - Fall 2022

Develop Preliminary Recommendations, including:

  • Updates to the County's Thoroughfare Plan
  • Multimodal Considerations
  • Traffic analysis to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed road network to provide adequate future mobility for the region.
Phase 2

November 2022

Public Meeting

A proposed plan for future county roadways and other transportation improvements was presented at in-person and virtual public meetings to gather input from the community.

Phase 2

January 2023 - Early 2024

Refine Preliminary Recommendations, including:

  • Proposed Thoroughfare Plan updates were adjusted based on feedback from study area stakeholders and the public.
  • Additional Traffic Analysis determined that the updated thoroughfare plan alone would not provide adequate capacity to address future growth in the region and additional transportation improvements are needed.
  • Concepts were developed for additional transportation improvements.
  • Route studies examined possible alignment options for potential new freeways and express lane connectors in the region.
Phase 2

Summer 2023

Stakeholder and Public Outreach:

  • August 2023 - September 2023:  Collin County held meetings with study area municipalities and regional agencies to share preliminary recommendations.
Phase 2

Fall 2023

Public Meeting

  • October 2023 – Public Meeting #2: Collin County asked for community feedback at public meetings on its proposed transportation improvements based on in-depth data analysis of anticipated growth and development, modeling of future traffic patterns, and previous public input.
Next Steps

Early 2024

Finalize Recommendations: Collin County is finalizing the recommendations to be included in the final report for the Collin County Future Mobility Study.
Proposed recommendations will include:

  • The build-out of a comprehensive thoroughfare network
  • Multimodal considerations
  • Early analysis of potential new freeway concepts within the study area to support future growth.
Next Steps

Fall 2024

Final Report to be released.

Phase 2
(Nov. 2021-Present)
Next Steps
Phase 1
(Aug. 2020-Oct. 2021)

Study Approach

What We've LEarned

The first phase of the Future Mobility Study was an opportunity for the County to collect data and share information about projected population and employment growth, traffic patterns within the study area, current and future developments, current safety issues and environmental constraints.

The second phase of the Future Mobility Study focused on identifying transportation improvements to accommodate population and employment growth in the eastern part of the County.‍

Study Timeline

Where We've Been

Aug 2020 -
Jan 2021

Data collection and analysis

Letter Icon

Individual meetings with area representatives to discuss the study and gather information

Wayfinding Icon

Technical work session with city and county staff to present study data

Jeep Icon

Public outreach to present study data and gather input

Glossary terms icon - click to view project study terms